Monday, December 7, 2009

Upcoming Gear Reviews

A few of the items I'm currently working on reviewing:

Therm-a-rest Neo Air
Probably the most hyped piece of lightweight gear for 2009.

Tarptent Squall 2
Not new to the market, but new to my experience.

Atlas 1030 Snowshoes
Long-term report.

I'm hoping to have a video component for each item, watch for the reviews early in the new year.


  1. Jay,

    Just hiked Nippletop Mountain in the Dacks with Nina.

    You seriously need to check out the MSR Lightning Ascents (25") - they are BAD ASS!

    I climbed up some pretty vertical ice with them using the heel-lifts.

    Take them for a spin if you get a chance!

  2. Andre! I finally looked at my blog again after 2 months away. I've heard nothing but good things about the MSR's. Aden bought a pair this winter and we did a short snowshoe hike together. Even then it was apparent what a good piece of equipment they are.
